Stephanie Foley from Carlow won her first National Snooker Title on the RILSA Amateur tour recently by taking the 10 Red Snooker Championship in Celbridge.  Stephanie now joins the RILSA Amateur ranks with her win on the main tour, a great result for the Carlow woman as she makes progress in the sport

The 10 Red Championship Cup is named the Margaret Browne Cup in dedication to Margaret’s involvement in Snooker over many years.  It was great to see Margaret in the competition and back on the tour

In the prelim round Jennifer Earle from Dublin had to fight hard against the youngster Qianhui Ye from Wicklow to eventually get over the line with a 2-1 score line to advance to the Quarters where she would meet Stephanie Foley from Carlow.  Joanna Ward from Kildare was in good form against newcomer to the tour, Brigid Mulvany from Dublin and took the win 2 nil fpr a Quarter final place.  Margaret Browne from Meath was back in play after a spell away from the tour and made it through to the Quarters with a good win over Delia Keane from Dublin

In the Quarters Annette Newman from Carlow saw off Veronica Hallahan from Dublin with a 2 nil win in their match to advance to the semis, Stephanie played solid snooker against Jennifer to take the win 2 nil and set up a meeting against Annette in the semis.  At the other end of the draw Margaret continued her good form against Joanna taking the win 2-1 for a semi final place.  Christine Carr from Kildare was in good form against Jackie Trulock from Dublin and took the win 2-0 to complete the semi final line up

Stephanie won the first frame on the pink ball but Annette responded well in frame two to level the match, the 3rd frame would go all the way to a black ball which Stephanie potted for a place in the final, Christine kept to her form against Margaret and got over the line 2 frames to nil to meet Stephanie in the final

Stephanie took the first on the pink ball and it would go to a black ball in the second with Christine having a number of chances to level the match however Stephanie potted the black for the win and her first National Championship title on the main tour

Congratulations to Stephanie on her win and now joining the Amateur tour in Snooker, well done to Christine on her fine performance throughout and having made the final of the 10 Red two years in a row.  Thanks to all the ladies who participated and supported on the day.  Thanks to Dave Earle who officiated throughout and refereed the final.  Thanks to Phil Martin and staff of the Celbridge Snooker Club for all their support towards female cue sports