Annette Newman from Carlow has completed her 9th season as Irish number 1 ranked Amateur Billiards Player after another great season on the tour having won 4 out of the 6 events and was runner up in the other two.   This is a fantastic achievement for the Carlow woman

Always on her heels is Christine Carr from Kildare who finished her 9th season number 2 another fantastic achievement for her on tour

This season seen all our players improve their scoring in these timed events along with their high breaks showing improvement overall

Joanna Ward from Kildare is 3rd on the Rankings and has been in the top 4 now since joining the tour back in 2020, so a great achievement for her,  followed by Jackie Trulock from Dublin who has moved up from 8th to 4th this season.  Delia Keane from Dublin is 5th on the Amateur rankings on her first season on this tour, great results for these ladies indeed

Our tour ranking list now has 21 players listed with 21 other players who have played female billiards since it all began back in 2015. Our school and college promotions have seen English Billiards introduced to hundreds of young girls over the past two years with many more in the years ahead.

Congratulations to Annette on her fantastic achievement on tour and well done to Christine on her great achievement in number 2 spot over the seasons.  Thanks to all the ladies who supported and participated on our tour this season and we look forward to seeing you all again in the new season ahead


Rk Name County Tot Tot
1st Annette Newman  Carlow 13600 3287
2nd  Christine Carr   Kildare 10900 2344
3rd Joanna Ward  Kildare 9900 2256
4th Jackie Trulock Dublin 6600 1200
5th  Delia Keane Dublin 5400 1601
6th Stephanie Foley Carlow 5400 1508
7th Valerie Maloney Laois 4800 1304
8th Savannah Keane Dublin 4600 720
9th Jennifer Earle Dublin 4600 459
10th Veronica Hallahan Dublin 4200 413
11th Elsie Whelan Kildare 1500 97
12th Niamh Shannon Kildare 1200 86
13th Isabella Smith Kildare 1000 79
14th Aoife Murphy Kildare 1000 75
15th Tina Keogh Offaly 1000 0
16th Anna Mulpeter Kildare 800 68
17th Sadhbh Simpson Kildare 800 62
18th Sadie Daly Kildare 800 60
19th Roisin Douglas Kildare 800 50
20th Aoife Martin Kildare 600 46
21st Lily O’Connor Kildare 600 20