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Female Cue Sports Ireland held their Annual General Meeting at the Keadeen Hotel recently.  We were delighted with the turnout on the evening and thank everyone who attended and contributed

Hereunder is the Chairperson’s and Secretary’s reports

Female Cue Sports Ireland

Secretary’s Report for 2023-2024 Season

Dave Earle

The 2023/2024 RILSA Season was yet another success for female cue sports here in Ireland. Our Calendar is one of the busiest in the World with over 38 events held during the season along with 221 women and girls participating in events.

Our National Championship and Ranking Events were well attended, with an average of 15 entries for each event.  The Intermediate Championship and Ranking events were again well attended with an average of 10 entries for each event.

Our Billiards Association saw an increase in players which is encouraging.  We had 5 players represent Ireland at the Home Internationals in Leeds UK in August along with a number of referees officiating.

I want to wish our players, Annette, Stephanie, Joanna, Valerie, Jennifer and Jackie all the best at the Home Internationals again this coming August in Leeds.

I would like to thank all our clubs for hosting events during the past season and all our players that have supported our events.  A special thanks to Bernie and Paul of Sharkx for all their support.

Congratulations to all the winners of our events during the season and well done to all of you for your participation

Our 18 new coaches along with 10 assistant coaches will play a vital part in helping us to further develop female cue sports and I wish them well and that they have the full support of the Organisation

Our referees have done exceptional work throughout the season and I thank them for their dedication.  I welcome our new batch of referees to the organisation, Martin Foley, Delia Keane, Jackie Trulock and Veronica Hallahan and wish them well for the future

Thanks to the Board of Female Cue Sports Ireland for all their hard work and commitment in promoting female cue sports.


Dave Earle

National Secretary


Chairperson’s Report

1.Membership reached 945 – 201 new members in 2023 & 20 so far for 2024

2.602 Women & Girls have competed at National Level since September 2014

3.495 Girls have played snooker at school/college level since 2014

4.221 women & girls have played in RILSA events during last season

5.Partnership Agreement extended for a further two years with SB Ireland – 7th June 2025

6.Referee Seminars in both Snooker & Billiards were conducted with 4 newly qualified referees to the RILSA Panel

7.20 qualified Introductory snooker & billiard female coaches trained along with 10 young girls trained as assistant coaches

8.Dan Carroll and Dave Earle attended Courses with WIS

9.Annette Newman & Stephanie Foley participated in the WBL Irish Open and refereed

10.Annette Newman participated in the World Matchplay and refereed along with Dan Carroll, Dave Earle and Stephanie Foley

11.Thanks to Fergal O’Brien for his coaching workshops that were well attended.

12.Thanks to all the work and coaching by Aidan Murray at the Academy and St Marks Special School Newbridge

13.Dave Earle, Annette Newman & Stephanie Foley  officiated at the SBI Finals weekend

14.Five members of RILSA now elected to the SBI Board Dave, Annette, Tina, Joanna & Valerie

15.Funding to RILSA from WIS

16.4 more referees to our panel bringing our total to 15 in the organisation

17.Many Coaching days allocated to further develop female cue sports

18.Hedgehog Productions will create a number of feature interviews with us for YouTube and social media

19.New home Nations events to be rolled out in the near future


Dan Carroll

Female Cue Sports Ireland Chairperson