The Home Internationals Championships were held once again at the Northern Snooker Centre Leeds UK over 10 days with Snooker competitions in Juniors, Men’s, Seniors and Ladies over the first week.  Ireland while played well in all categories unfortunately didn’t bring home any titles but did our Country proud as they have done over many years.

Thursday 8th and Friday 9th saw our Male Billiards Teams take home the Billiards Titles in both events, a first in the history of the games.  Our very own Billiards Coach Aidan Murray and his team players Larry Drennan and Wayne Doyle played exceptional billiards to take the on the strong Northern Ireland Team with a 2-1 win and the title in the main event

The Male Billiards Team B made up of John Kehoe, Jason Dowling and Aonghus McAnally were delighted to take the win against a strong Scottish Team in their final

While both Irish teams took the titles, it has to be said that 5 of the six referees were Irish, in Dan Carroll, Dave Earle, Martin Foley, Stephanie Foley, Brendan Devlin, possibly a record in the history of the Home Internationals

Our two ladies teams did us proud indeed with all the players giving their all against very strong opponents of the men’s game.  A number of our players did give some of the guys a run for their money but it was not to be.  However they all really enjoyed the event and took away more knowledge of Billiards along with a number of useful tips from the guys who are always on hand to give great advice and encouragement to the girls

Congratulations to our Men’s Teams and well done to our ladies teams who have added a new dimension to the event in Leeds that is very welcomed by the Billiard Community

Well done to Team A,   Annette Newman, Joanna Ward and Valerie Maloney.  Team B,  Jennifer Earle, Jackie Trulock and Veronica Hallahan

Congratulations and well done to all the referees who officiated at the event and certainly helped make it the success it was.  The Irish referees were once again to the forefront with the highest number of referees officiating at this Home Internationals showcasing the success of the development in this area of our sport over the past two years in particular.

Thanks to the organisers and everyone involved in a fantastic championships