First of all we Congratulate Dave Causier on his win at the Jim Williamson Open in Leeds and well done to Peter Gilchrist in his runner up place.  A great final watched by a big crowd at the Northern Snooker Centre.  Dave Causier won the highest break of 842 in less than 60 minutes an amazing score

Our three female players did us proud indeed having a go at improving their game against the World’s elite male opponents.

Jennifer Earle managed to get to the table on a few occasions against Peter Sheehan from the UK, who won this event last year and scored 30 points against Peter’s 466.  Jennifer had a much closer encounter scoring 74 points against Richard de la Haye from Jersey, on 176 and had good game against Carl Walter Steiner from Austria with Carl winning 213-54.  Eddie Duggan from the UK played very well against Jennifer taking the match 349-37.  Jennifer was happy with her results against such formidable opponents

Jackie Trulock on her first outing on the WBL tour was happy with her results against such great platers in the men’s game, she scored 53 points against Barry Russell from the UK who scored 268.  Her second match against Stuart Gordan from Northern Ireland was again a tuff game with Stuart winning on the 60 minute alarm 304 – 41.  Jackie then had our very own Aidan Murray who played great billiards to take the win 306 to 26.  Jackie’s last match against Peter Johnston from the UK saw her score more but Peter was too strong and finished out the winner 213-64.  Like Jennifer, Jackie was happy with her first outing on the Tour and is already making more time to practice and try and better her scoring next time

Annette Newman was looking forward to her matches and was just out to enjoy and learn from the masters of this great game over the two days.  Her first opponent was Kenny Campbell from Northern Ireland and true to his form Kenny played great billiards and took the win 374-49.  Annette’s second match against Daniel Costello from the UK was a much closer affair with Annette leading for a time but Daniel scored a few small breaks towards the final minutes to take the win 123-84.  Darren Clarke from the UK was her next opponent and as true to his form Darren played really well and took the win on the alarm 422-65.  Annette’s final match against Mark Hill from the UK was another close encounter with Annette once more taking a early lead but Mark with his many years of experience took the win on the alarm 125-89

Annette was very happy with her overall performance and she is already looking forward to this event next year

Well done to Annette, Jennifer and Jackie who represented their Country with pride

Also involved officiating were our referees throughout the event, Dan Carroll, Dave Earle, Stephanie Foley, Brendan Devlin, John Kehoe, Shane Mason, Neil Shanahan, Kevin Christie and Joanna Ward, all who helped in the overall success of the event, well done and thanks for all your help

Thanks to all at the WBL for their hard work, management and staff of the Northern Snooker Centre that made for a most enjoyable weekend in Leeds