Dave Earle from Dublin and the current RILSA Secretary and class 2 International Referee received his silver pin award for officiating at over 15 International events with RILSA.  Dave who is a SBI Referee, has been very much involved with female cue sports since his return to the organisation back in 2017.

Over the past 7 years Dave has been instrumental in bringing female cue sports into a new era.  The recent Partnership Agreement between RILSA and SB Ireland saw Dave very much to the forefront of negotiations in getting this Partnership over the line.  His help and support on many occasions on the domestic scene with RILSA Snooker and Billiard Tours, sees Dave very much involved in refereeing on our busy calendar of events

On the World and International stage Dave has represented Ireland as a referee in both Snooker and Billiards gaining him the silver pin award for International duty and he is on his way to eventually collect his Gold pin award in the near future

Annette Newman our President was on hand to present Dave with his Silver International Cap and pin award at the recent World Billiards Irish Open in Carlow

Congratulations to Dave on his award and we thank him for all his help and support