Annette Newman from Carlow won her 8th National amateur Billiards Championship at the RILSA Academy Sharkx Newbridge recently.  A fantastic achievement for the Carlow woman.  Christine Carr from Kildare was the runner up and her 4th runner up over the past 8 years a great result for her.

In the first session of this timed event Annette Newman from Carlow got the upper hand against Valerie Maloney from Laois in their match scoring well each time to the table finishing on the alarm 84-46 to take her first win of the competition.  Christine Carr from Kildare and Joanna Ward also from Kildare had a very close encounter as it was neck and neck as the seconds ticked down but it was Christine who just pipped Joanna on the alarm 81-78

In the second session Annette clocked the same score again as she did against Christine as she saw off a challenge from Joanna in the early stages of the match, however Annette ran out the winner in the final 15 minutes scoring well 84-60 on the bell.  Christine kept up her form against Valerie finishing strong towards the alarm taking the win 84-57

The final session saw Annette keep to her good form and see off a good effort towards the final 10 minutes from Christine to take the win 103-78 while on the other table Valerie kept it close against Joanna in a close contest to take the win on the bell 60-43

Congratulations to Annette on retaining her National Billiards Championship Title and for the 8th season in a row, a record that will be hard to beat in the future and well done to Christine on her runner up place with a consistent performance throughout.  Thanks to Valerie and Joanna for their participation and to all our players on the Billiards Tour for their support as always.  Thanks to Bernie, Paul and staff of Sharkx for providing the facility to our organisation for all our events, it’s very much appreciated